Here are 3 shots of a Bird Cage Monster.
Here's a shot of him with his Weapon.
Here's a shot of a weapon being fired at the Blue DaiRanger.
Here's a shot of the Bird Cage Monster's Peg Leg.
Here's a shot of the Bird Cage Monster and his Vulture.
Here's a shot of the Vulture.
Here's a shot of the Vulture attacking the Red DaiRanger.
Here's a shot of Red's Fire Attack hitting the Bird Cage Monster.
Here's a shot of the Jar with the Golden Leg in it and here's a shot of the Golden Leg.
Here's a shot of the Bird Cage Monster with his Golden Leg on.
Here's a shot of the Bird Cage Monster hitting the Red DaiRanger with his Golden Leg.
Here are 2 shots of the Red DaiRanger firing his DaiBuster. Here's a shot of the Red DaiBuster beam hitting the Vulture.
Here's a shot of the Red and Blue DaiRangers firing colorful beams.
Here's a shot of the Red and Blue colorful beams hitting the Bird Cage Monster.
Here's a shot of the Red and Blue DaiRangers firing a combined beam attack from their Swords at the Bird Cage Monster.
Here are 4 shots of the zord battle. It was just the Bird Cage Monster against the Thunder Megazord. If you can't tell by that last picture, Bird Cage Monster was destroyed by the Thunder Megazord's Thunder Saber's Finisher.