Here's Gluto in the same shot as Pink and Red
Here's Tri-Eye Samurai

Basically in this episode Gluto was disguised as an Earthling and he was producing a powerful alcoholic drink that is from the 30th century which is called the "Power-Split." He was using a pure human to help him out with his production however during an intervention by the Timeranger, his (Gluto's) true identity was revealed. Tri-Eye Samurai was once part of the "Mafia." Here's Green with some kind of weapon
Here's another shot of Circuit but while he's flying
Here's Circuit flying behind 4 Rangers
Here are the 4 Time Force Rangers along with Circuit
Here's Circuit in front of the Rangers excluding Sion aka Green
Here's Red and Circuit looking at Tri-Eye Samurai and Green
Here's Green with his combined Saber
Sion outsmarted the evil Samurai because he used his previous weapon in order to steal some of Samurai's parts so that he could use them in order to help him modify his Morpher so that he could move as fast as Tri-Eye does.
Here are the Rangers with Green in the center position
There's a Time Flyer cockpit scene of Green talking into his communicator. He also uses the scene in order to order "3D Formation - Time Robo Alpha." Here's Shadow Force in Mode Red

Here's the Shadow Force Mode Red cockpit
Here's a shot of the Shadow Mode Red releasing its Double Nets
Green is seen with the Control Saber Blaster in this ep.
Tri-Eye is defeated by the Blizzard Slash.