Here are 3 of Zurgane's last zords that he built
Kapri's zord Cockpit
Here are the 3 Zzords
Here's Fura/Marah's zord
Here's Fura's zord cockpit
Shimazu's zord  
Shimazu's zord cockpit
Here are 3 Samurai Star Choppers
Here are the 3 Megazord Modes
The beings that mind-wipe humans in Hurricanger were the ones that were piloting the other 2 Samurai Stars
Samurai Storm Megazord, Samurai Star Megazord and Samurai Thunder Megazord
The robots were in the Samurai Star copies that made the Samurai Storm Megazord and the Samurai Thunder Megazord while Shurikenger remained in the Samurai Star Megazord.