Kite's Sentai counterpart explains that the last Org is awakening and that there are no more Highness Dukes (Highness Dukes are what Wild Force calls Org Generals.)
Here's Lotomotive Org  
Here's the Predazord and here's the Kongazord's Striker Spear Mode
Here's the Isis Megazord's Predator Mode
Red stated that this mode (Isis Megazord Predator Mode) is much stronger than the Isis Megazord.
I won't include the shot of the cockpit because it never changes due to them using the Soul Bird cockpit.
Due to Jindrax pulling Toxica out from the underworld, various items that stuck to her were also pulled out and the items manifested themselves into 3 beings that were shadowed out but you can clearly see who they are.