Here's the device that Conner and Ethan were sent to retrieve to help 'em out with the Contraol Program for their Assault Vehicle
Sentai footage of the Aerial Assault Craft  
Here's another shot but I don't know where it comes from yet... however now I know that it comes from Abaranger 32.
Here's more Sentai footage but it's shown on a Monitor
Sentai footage of the Tank
Once you see the Megazord in regular Sentai footage is the first Sentai footage that originates from Abaranger 32.
Sentai footage of Tommy's Raptor Rider
New... as far as I can see  
Here's Sentai footage of the Craft
Here's Sentai footage of Black on his Rider
Brachiozord appearing is Sentai stock footage but once you see the Centipede Tank is when it goes back into regular Sentai footage from Abaranger 32.
Sentai footage
Once you see the Centipede Tank is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
This shot is unknown but it's not from Abaranger 32, I can tell you that much. Regardless... these shots This shot of the Styrazord is Sentai
New footage featuring the Craft Cockpit  
Sentai shot of the Craft
More new footage of Zeltrax and Tommy fighting in the Aerial Assault Craft
Here's new footage of Black Ranger by the Craft's Controls
Sentai footage of the Controls sparking up
Sentai shot of Craft about to blow
More new footage involving the Craft Cockpit  
Sentai shot of Zeltrax within Craft as it's getting ready to blow up
New again
Here's Sentai footage of the Craft's fiery debris falling down however while the footage is Sentai, the Power Rangers characters were edited into the footage.
New footage

Sentai footage comes from Abaranger Episodes 31 and 32 however the majority of the Sentai footage originates from Ep 32.