At the moment, I cannot tell for certain in regards to whether this scene in the Viewing Screen is new or not
Here's new footage of the Tsunami Cycles by the Mobile Command Center
Here are the Lost Ninjas 
These shots   are when it goes back to Sentai footage.
Here's when it goes back to new footage
The footage of the Thunder Rangers running away that's seen on Cam's Monitor within the Mobile Command Center is new footage.
Once you see the Hawkzord in the hangar/zord bay then that is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
Here's when it goes back to new footage, this time of just the Blue Ranger herself
Once it cuts to the stock footage of the 3 zords then that specific footage is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
Cam's dialogue/scene is pasted into the communication circle like always but why am I mentioning that? I said I wasn't going to.
Here's the Power Disc that Cam sends that will allow Tori to control the Megazord by herself
This shot of the boots that belong to Navy and Crimson is when it goes back to new footage
These Zord shots are when it goes back to Sentai footage  
Here's when it goes back to new footage  
This shot of Zurgane's Zord being in the middle of being about to attack is when it goes back to Sentai footage
Here's when it goes back to new footage  
This shot of the Megazord sparking is when it goes back to Sentai footage
This front shot of Yellow is when it goes back to new footage
This shot of Crimson grabbing his Staff is when it goes back to Sentai footage
These shots of Zurgane's Zord about to strike the Dolphinzord appear to be new footage
Regardless of whether that cockpit shot is Sentai or not, here's the next start of Sentai footage, with Yellow and Red
These shots of Yellow being in front of an explosion is when it goes back to new footage

This shot of the Thunder Rangers, Navy with Staff and Crimson with Blaster is when it goes back to Sentai footage
This shot of Sensei within his enclosed protection thing is when it goes back to new footage since that protection method for one thing wasn't used in Hurricanger. Additionally Hurricanger's Sensei was a hamster and not a CGI guinea pig
This shot of the 2 Wind Rangers is when it goes back to Sentai footage
Here's new footage of the Blue Ranger in her Zord Cockpit
Here's another shot of her in her cockpit
Once you see Zurgane's Zord then that is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
Here's another new shot of Tori in her cockpit
These shots  are when it goes back to new footage.
The battle between Zurgane's Zord and the Storm Megazord continues to go back and forth between Sentai footage of Zurgane's Zord and the new footage of the visorless Blue Ranger being in the Dolphinzord Cockpit.
Here's when it goes back to new ground footage
This shot of the Red Boots is when it goes back to Sentai footage
This shot of Blue in the Dolphinzord Cockpit however is in Sentai footage since you can see the broken glass in the shot
Here's a back shot of the 2 Thunder Rangers which is when it goes back to new footage
This shot of a downed Crimson is when it goes back to Sentai footage  
Here's when it goes back to new footage
Once it goes back to the Zord battle then that is when it's the start of Sentai footage once again.
This shot of the Yellow Ranger and Red Ranger is when it goes back to new footage
Here's when it goes back to Sentai footage, this time these shots of Navy with his Staff  
Here's when it goes back to new footage
The stock sequence of the Crimson Blaster and Navy Antler combining to form the Thunder Blaster is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
I believe this explosion by the Wind Rangers and Navy is actually new footage but don't quote on me on that
This shot of Navy is when it goes back to Sentai fotoage
This shot of Navy's Boots is when it goes back to new footage
This shot of the downed Wind Rangers is when it goes back to Sentai footage
Once you see Shane within the Red Ranger suit due to being morphed but visorless then that is when it goes back to being new footage and it will be new footage from then until and including the scene before the end of the episode.
Here's an exterior shot of the Cavern