The footage starts off with an exterior shot of Bio Lab before it goes inside to the Press Conference which is all new footage but that should be obvious since you can clearly see Mr. Collins in some of the shots but regardless the Press Conference is still all new footage.
Here's a shot of Eric as the new Commander of the Silver Guardians
Here's a shot of Dr. Michael Zaskin however as you can see now, the footage was actually being watched by the Rangers at the Clock Tower via their Holoscreen
Here's a shot of the Holoscreen Controls
Here's another shot of Dr. Zaskin
As soon as you see Klawlox in the rearview mirror then that is the start of new footage for him.
Here's Nadira, Klawlox and Dr. Zaskin all in the same shot
Once you see the Silver Guardians SUV, that is sitll new footage.
All footage of the Cyclobots by the car that Holly is in... it's new footage.
Here's new footage of Klawlox however it's a back shot of him however this front shot of Klawlox si also new footage.
This shot of Klawlox riding on Lucas' car is Sentai footage
However once you see Dr. Zaskin then it's back to new footage.
The shots of the Rangers in the area where Zaskin is being held is new footage however it then cuts back to the Sentai footage of Klawlox riding on Lucas' car.
There's a quick cut to Lucas which includes the following shot of the steering wheel being in the same shot as Klawlox who now looks like he's riding on the front window however it then cuts to a faraway Sentai shot of Klawlox riding on the vehicle. It cuts back to Lucas however it then cuts back to a Sentai close-up shot of the car's wheels. It then cuts to a shot of Holly however it then cuts to a flipped Sentai shot of Klawlox which then cuts back to Lucas and then it cuts back to an outside Sentai shot of the vehicle.
These shots of Lucas' car   are when it goes back to new footage.
The footage as seen here looks to be new footage since I don't recognize this kind of shot in the counterpart episode.
Here's Lucas and Klawlox in the same shot
Here's another new shot of Klawlox
This shot of the Blue Ranger in midair is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
Any time you see Holly, it's new footage but I shouldn't have to tell you that when it comes to her.
However after seeing the Holly shot, it then cuts back into Sentai footage of Klawlox and the Blue Ranger.
These shots
  are when it goes back to new footage, only because of Holly being in the same shot as them.
However after Holly says "Go Lucas" it then cuts back into Sentai footage of Klawlox and the Blue Ranger fighting.
There's another quick shot of Holly however it then cuts back to Sentai footage of the Blue Ranger.
After the Blue Ranger is knocked down, there's another shot of Holly however it then cuts back to Sentai footage of Klawlox and a smoking Blue Ranger.
After Klawlox says something about it being his lucky day, it then cuts to Holly once again.
This shot of the Blue Ranger is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
This shot is when it goes back to new footage.
This shot of the Blue Ranger is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
It then cuts to Holly as she's by a piece of her bear however it then cuts back to Sentai footage of Klawlox.
After Blue kicks Klawlox down, it then cuts back to the footage of Holly who is now holding her fried bear part.
Once you see this shot of Klawlox then that is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
Once you see the Red Ranger fighting Cyclobots then that is when it goes back to new footage.
After Nadira captures Zaskin and has her nails pointed at him, you then see the Silver Guardian SUV pull up, the SUV is in new footage.
Once it cuts back to the Blue Ranger and Klawlox fighting then that is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
As Klawlox is firing his blasts at Blue wihle Blue is in the air doing some kind of flying move, you'll eventually see a cut to Holly however it'll then cut back to Sentai footage of the Blue Ranger.
After Blue hits Klawlox with his Chrono Saber Double Strike, you'll eventually see a cut to a back shot of Holly however it'll then cut back to a Sentai front shot of the Blue Ranger as he's doing his pose with his Chrono Saber.
Mystery Man footage, it looks like it's recycled American footage.

Sentai footage of Klawlox comes from Time Episode 33