Here's a shot of Bio Lab's Scientists being in the same shot as the Raimei
Once you see Izout then that's the start of Sentai footage which comes from Episode 18.
Once it cuts to the inside of the building - as seen here then it's a case of Sentai footage meaning this shot is indeed Sentai footage.
Any time you see Mr. Collins, it's new footage but that should be obvious however it goes back into Sentai footage as soon as you these guards
After Izout goes into a opened door, you'll see him hitting a Police Officer (or Guard) which is new footage.
This shot of Izout is also new footage.
After opening credits end, the episode starts back up in new footage of the Rangers.
This hallway shot is actually Sentai footage.
Once you see the Cannon-armed Pink and Green Rangers then that is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
This shot of Izout is new footage.
This is also new

These shots  
is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
It then cuts back to new footage of the interior of Bio Lab.Once it cuts back to Izout then it's back to Sentai footage.
All Time Blaster stuff in this episode is Sentai footage.
All Megazord in Mode Red footage has been deleted due to time constraints.
Once you see the shot of the Year 3000 then that is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
All footage shown on the Mystery Man's screen is Sentai footage which comes from Timeranger 19 however they reshot footage of the Mystery Man actor (their American actor for him) and added him into the footage where you would see him in the same shot as the Time Shadow.
This shot is when it goes back into Sentai footage, this comes from Ep 19.
The footage of Frax using the laser device thingie to create the Crystals... it appears to be new footage.
The Holoscreen in the Clock Tower is showing a computer readout from Timeranger 18 which describes the Zeta 3 otherwise known as Trizirum Crystals.
After Lucas says "Power like that? It could change the future," it then cuts to Sentai footage of a door opening revealing Frax.
This shot is Sentai footage but it's been flipped because of the street nearby.
The footage that Mr. Collins and his Scientists are watching on the Computer Screen/Monitor is Sentai footage including the following shot of the Pilot/Driver flipping and/or hitting the levers/buttons. The driver/pilot within the Raimei is also Sentai footage.
The following footage of the Rangers as well as their discussion with Circuit is Sentai footage.
Both guys in the Raimei are Sentai footage.
The footage that plays on the Mystery Man's Screen is also Sentai footage.
The following footage of the Rangers on the ground is also Sentai footage.
Once you see a shot of the night time sky with hover cars flying in the sky and a crescent moon in the sky on the top left of the screen then that is when it's a shot of the Year 3000 which is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
The Mystery Man is in all new footage however he sees the Sentai footage of the Time Shadow on his Screen.
All of the Mystery Man's button pressing is also new.
All Tronicon and Time Shadow footage is Sentai footage.
All footage of Frax being outside in the city is Sentai too.
Sentai footage comes from Time Episodes 18 and 19