It looks like this shot of the Prison is actually new.
Here's a shot of smoke coming out of the Ship which is definitely Sentai footage however it looks like this shot has been flipped.
The shots of the Officers running away from the Ship while in the same shot as the ship is a case of the footage being edited since the Officers were edited into the Sentai shot.
The shot of the inside control panel of the Time Ship exploding in multiple sparks is also Sentai footage.
The shots of the Ship blowing up as well as this shot is also Sentai footage.
This shot is also Sentai.
Here's 4 Chrono Morphers
Here are the Nuts and Bolts that the mutants use to summon forth the Cyclobots
The shots of the nuts and bolts falling on the ground with the Cyclobots materializing is Sentai footage.
The police car is Senta, same with the regular cars with the Cyclobots by them is Sentai.
This is Sentai footage.
The up-close shot of the explosion is Sentai footage.
It looks like the footage that plays in Trip's Mutant DNA radar search is Sentai footage.
The shots of the Cyclobots firing their Swords as well as the shots of the police car crashing is also Sentai.
Here's Cyclobot, Nadira and Gluto which is new
This shot is new footage.
The exterior shot of the building that shows up is new footage, this is the building that is a quick shot before it goes inside so that Circuit can reveal the issue with why their Morphers wouldn't work.
After the morphing ends, there are up-close Sentai shots of the Rangers.
After Ransik says "Time Force Rangers," once it cuts to a group shot of the 5 Rangers then that is when it's back to Sentai footage.
Here's this shot
The up-close shots of the Cyclobots' boots is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
This shot is new footage.
It goes back to Sentai footage once it cuts to the Green Ranger.
Once it cuts to the Yellow Ranger, it's back to new footage.
Once it cuts to the Blue Ranger, it's back to Sentai footage.
This shot is also new footage.
Once you see an up-close shot of Pink Ranger's pink boots, that is when it goes back to Sentai footage however after the boots jump up, it then cuts into more new footage of the Pink Ranger, the new footage starts up while she's in the air.
It then cuts back to Sentai footage once you see Circuit.
After Ransik escapes, there's a following shot of the Pink Ranger reacting to his escape, this shot of her is new footage.
It looks like this shot of Gluto is new.
Here's new footage of Pink with her 2 Sabers
It then cuts to Sentai footage of Gluto.
This shot is when it goes back to new footage.
The up-close shot of Frax's Finger Missile is Sentai footage.
This is also new.
The shot of Pink's Time Strike is Sentai footage. However the shots of the Time Strike attack hitting Frax, Gluto and Nadira is all new.
The shot of Frax pressing his transporter is Sentai footage however the following shots are all new.

Sentai footage comes from Time Episode 2