Here's new footage of the Rangers riding on their Galaxy Gliders.
Here's new footage of the 3 Rangers riding on their Galaxy Gliders.
Here's new footage of the Rangers riding on their Galaxy Gliders.
It appears this shot is more than likely Sentai footage but I can't be 100% certain on that.
Here's the Galactic Rover.      
All footage of the Silver Ranger riding his Galaxy Glider is new.
This shot is when it's the start of Sentai footage.
This shot of the Silver Ranger appears to be new.
As soon as you see Red Ecliptor again, it's back to Sentai footage.
This shot of the Silver Ranger appears to be new.
This shot of Red Ecliptor and the Silver Ranger is when it goes back to Sentai footage.
All of the Red Ecliptor footage is Sentai.
However as soon as you see the regular green Ecliptor, it's back to new footage again. But all following shots of the Rangers is Sentai.
If the Rangers and the green Ecliptor can be seen in the same shot then that would be mean that it's new footage too.
The episode ends with new footage.

Sentai footage comes from Mega 50