Here's new footage of Cogs, Klank, Orbus and Sprocket.   and here's a shot of just Cogs, Klank and Orbus in new footage.
Here's new footage of the Rangers fighting Cogs.  
Here's Chronosapios as shown on the Viewing Globe.
Here's new footage of Protectron.
Here's new footage of Princess Archerina, Prince Sprocket and Prince Gasket.
Here's new footage of Klank twirling Orbus around while Princess Archerina and Prince Sprocket are in the same shot but they're behind him.
Here's a shot of Giant Protectron in the same shot as the 6 Rangers, this happens to be new footage.
NOTE: The shot of the Cogs along with Klank, Orbus and Prince Sprocket on Earth is new footage. All footage of the Pink, Blue, Red and Gold Rangers fighting the Cogs is new footage. All footage of Prince Sprocket, Klank and Orbus watching the Rangers fight the Cogs is new footage. All footage of the 6 Rangers teleporting into a location is new footage. All footage of the Rangers by Chronosapios is new footage. All footage of Protectron is new footage. All footage of the Cogs and Prince Sprocket on Earth is new footage. All footage of Prince Gasket and Princess Archerina on Earth is new footage. Protectron was defeated by the Red Ranger's Zeo Laser Pistol (no Blade attached to it) however in Ohranger, he was defeated by the Staff Beams and the Zeo Cannon. Footage of Klank twirling around Orbus is new footage. Footage of Orbus on the knocked out Protectron as well as the shot of Orbus injecting his fluid into him as well as the actual shot of Protectron growing is all Sentai footage. All following shots of the 6 Rangers after Protectron grows is new footage including the shots of when they call for their Super Zeozords however once the zords appear, it's Sentai footage All following shots of the Gold Ranger after Protectron has been destroyed is new footage as well as all following shots of Gasket, Archerina, Klank, Orbus and Sprocket after Protectron was destroyed until they retreat. The remaining shots of the Gold Ranger is new footage. The ending scenes of Gasket, Sprocket and Machina where Sprocket and Gasket are bickering is new footage.

Following info comes from Ohranger 43. Here's 3 shots of Protectron.    
Here's a shot of Protectron sparking up after Golden Staff's Beams hit him.
Here's a sho of the Zeo Cannon's Blast hitting Protectron.
Here's 2 shots of Giant Protectron.  
Here's a shot of the Super Zeo Ultrazord's Beam hitting Protectron.