Here's the Rangers excluding Tanya. 
Here's a shot of Giant Wrecking Ball in the same shot as the 4 Rangers, this is new footage.
Here's a shot of Zeo Ranger 1, Pink fighting the Cogs - this is also new footage.
Here's a shot of Zeo Ranger 1, Pink and Zeo Ranger 4, Green fighting the Cogs - this is new footage.
Here's a shot of the Rangers fighting Cogs, this is new footage.

NOTE:  Cogs and the Rangers fighting in Angel Grove is new footage.
Footage of the Rangers teleporting in is new footage.
Fotage of the Blue Ranger saying "We can't form the Zeo Megazord without Tanya" is new footage.
Giant Wrecking Ball is in new footage when he's shown in the same shot as the 4 Rangers.
All following shots of the Rangers is in new footage including the shot of the Red Ranger calling for his Battlezord.
The footage switches to Sentai when obviously the Cannon launches the Battlezord however all shots showing the Green, Pink and Blue Rangers fighting the Cogs is new footage.

Following info comes from Ohranger 21.

Here's a shot of the Blue and Green Rangers in the Zeo Megazord Cockpit with the Green Ranger in the Driver's Seat.
Here's Wrecking Ball. 


Here's Wrecking Ball's Cockpit. 

Here's a shot of Wrecking Ball but with an evil face due to Queen Machina's maniuplation of it.
Here's a shot of shackles trapping Blue Ranger's legs along with his chest.
Here's Wrecking Ball outside. 
Here's a shot of the Battlezord and the Evil Wrecking Ball.

Here's a shot of the Battlezord and the good Wrecking Ball.

Here's a shot of the Green Ranger in the good Wrecking Ball's Cockpit.

Here's a shot of the Battlezord using its "Spinning Flame" Move.